Rabu, 27 Juni 2012
Eat Right on Planning Pregnancy.
Eating good,eating right is essential to all women out there who is trying to conceive a baby.
Be sure to check every single thing before you get pregnant.
All the meal plan,sex positions,personal calendar can be found in a perfect system by Alicia Penington
Pregnancy program.It will help you to choose your baby gender too.Try it! You got nothing to loose.
Minggu, 17 Juni 2012
Planning Pregnancy-Stop Before You Read This.
A partner in life who have thought and ready to have a child should discuss Planning Pregnancy. Planning pregnancy can give both of you the time to get open-eyed physically as well as mentally for healthy pregnancy and childbirth.You may dedicate the time during pre-concieving to get you body and mind all set by eating healthy with a proper diet,keep your body fit with high level of stamina through consistent workouts also putting your finances in arrangement.
Prior to Planning pregnancy,you have to be certain that the two of you are agreeing and really committed to creating a child of your own.Babies mean a lot of moral obligations; you will have to mentally and physically to assure that the pregnancy run without any "Gordian knot". Please make sure to keep away on creating stress as this will affect the health of the mother or the developing baby.If you have relationship problems, it will be best if you sort things out before getting pregnant.
Click Here To Find Out How You Can Choose Baby Gender
Benefits Of Planning Pregnancy
When you plan your pregnancy, you will make things much easier as you are prepared and not caught unawares for the physical changes, the lifestyle changes as well as the rising expenses. Couples usually consult a physician once they have decided to have a baby and seriously get involved in the process of pregnancy planning. A visit to a physician is essential as a check may determine if it is ok for you to have a baby. This is because certain complications such as epilepsy, diabetes, hypertension in the mother, may require extra care and monitoring by the physician. It will be the right time to get vaccinated against German measles, tetanus, hepatitis B, etc.
If you have been taking contraceptive pills, doctors usually recommend waiting for at least three normal menstrual periods before it may be considered safe to get pregnant. Be sure to consult what methods to adopt after stopping the contraceptive pill, as you do not want to get pregnant during the unsafe period. Planning pregnancy can entail lifestyle changes immediately as you want to create an environment that is conducive for the proper growth and development of the baby. Both parents have to stop smoking, and drugs, alcohol and tobacco are taboo. Any medication has to be taken after consulting the physician. Supplements of folic acid and multi vitamins are recommended for the women. The women can get into shape to ensue their weight is ideal for pregnancy. A diet that is well planned, nutritious and balanced is recommended. Certain foods such as raw or undercooked meat or animal products, soft cheese, fish such as shark, sword fish etc., are to be avoided.
While planning pregnancy, you have to be careful not to expose yourself to teratogens or harmful substances that may have a detrimental effect on the health of the parent as well as the baby. Solvents, heavy metals, radiation, paint fumes, anesthesia and pesticides are to be avoided.
Many couples track the fertile period or the ovulation period and make love during that period to increase their chances of getting pregnant. If you have tried unsuccessfully for more than a year, you may be asked to take a fertility test. Male or female infertility can be treated and couples may have successful conception.
Planning pregnancy can give you enough time to get a health insurance cover that supports the kind of care that you prefer. You may start saving money to see you through the maternity leave period if you are a working mom. It can be a period when your bond with your partner strengthens. It is an unforgettable experience, planning pregnancy with the one you love. Make sure you enjoy it.
Read some review for a book written by expert Alicia Penington on Baby Gender selection.
Jumat, 15 Juni 2012
Trying To Conceive Tips-What you need to know.
Hello readers,its time for you to watch a simple video from me.I hope it might help all of you regarding pregnancy.Briefly its thing u need to know before u Conceive a Baby.Enjoy watching and dont forget to share.
Sabtu, 09 Juni 2012
Want to Have a Baby Boy? Try This !
Natural gender selection has been practiced for centuries and while there are plenty of Old Wive's Tales, some of them are actually grounded in scientific fact. Naturally, there is no 100% guarantee that following these techniques will result in having a child be the gender you want, they can increase the likelihood that you will.
If you are trying to have a boy, it is important to remember that the sperm that carry the Y chromosome, the one responsible for determining the male gender, are much different than the sperm that carry the X chromosome, or the one that is responsible for determining the female gender.

Your PH Balance and Your Diet
Y sperm require a PH balance that is more alkalai than acidic. This means that you will need to adjust your diet somewhat. Foods that are rich in potassium and sodium are ideal if you are trying to have a boy. This includes foods like red meat, bananas, peaches and sausage.
Getting Your Timing Right
Timing is crucial if you want the Y sperm to reach the egg before the X sperm do. This means that you will need to schedule intercourse as closely as possible to the day that you ovulate. The egg is viable for a period of 24 hours, and this will give the Y sperm enough of a chance to reach the egg while they are still viable as well.
Review on how u can plan your baby gender in natural way.
Choosing the Right Position
The position that you choose also affects how quickly the Y sperm will reach the egg. It is important to use a position that will allow for deep penetration and the man must orgasm as closely to the neck of the cervix as possible. Positions that allow for this include woman dominant, or woman on top as well as doggy style or rear entry.
Other Factors
Interestingly enough, if a woman orgasms before a man does, it increases the chances of having a boy. This is due to the fact of the secretions within the vagina that occur during an orgasm. They shift the balance of the PH to more alkaline, allowing the Y sperm the perfect environment they need to make it through the cervix.
What to Remember
Again, there is no 100% guarantee that you will be able to conceive a boy using these methods, but it does increase your chances significantly. No matter what gender your child ends up being, the important thing is that they are healthy. It's fun to try and naturally select the gender of your child, but at the end of the day there are many different factors that will ultimately decide their sex.
How Your Diet May Impact the Gender of Your Child
While there are many different things that can decide the gender of your future child, the dietary choices you make may have a big impact. Natural gender selection relies on a few different techniques to help increase the odds of having either a boy or a girl. While these methods are not 100% reliable, most couples find that they do end up with the gender they wanted. At the end of the day, it is a 50/50 chance, but there are a few things you can do to swing the percentage in your favor.
The foods that you eat can affect the future gender of your child for a variety of different reasons. The main one is that your body's PH needs to be at a certain level for each type of gender. The sperm that carry the chromosomes that decide gender require a different PH for a successful trip towards fertilization.
Let's take a look at the differences in these sperm to gain a better understanding of why PH levels are so important. First, the sperm responsible for conceiving a boy carry the Y chromosome. They are small, agile and must reach their destination quickly before they expire. They need an alkaline environment to reach the egg properly.
The sperm responsible for conceiving a girl carry the X chromosome. They are much larger, more durable and though they may take longer to reach an egg, they have a greater chance of living long enough to do so. They prosper in an acidic environment.
Choosing the right foods to balance your PH levels appropriately may indeed have an impact on the gender of your child. Let's take a look at what foods are important to include in your diet for either sex.
Eating for a Boy
If you want to have a boy, foods that contain potassium and sodium are very important. They are non acidic by nature and will boost your alkalinity. The recommended foods include bananas, sweet corn, red meats, and even sausages. It is important however that you eat these foods in moderation and include a healthy and balanced diet for proper health. Having too much sodium is never recommended. Stay within proper dietary guidelines at all times.
Eating for a Girl
In order to have a girl, you need to focus on foods that will boost acidity in your body. They include foods that are rich in magnesium and calcium. Broccoli is the perfect example of a food that contains high levels of both. Other foods you can eat include grapefruit, apples, dairy products, some fish (farm raised to avoid high levels of mercury) and leafy green vegetables.
What to Remember
Everything in moderation is key as well as proper nutrition. While there are other methods of selecting your child's gender naturally, combining them with a proper diet will increase your chances for success. Ask your doctor if you have any questions about the foods that you should be eating.
Baby Gender Prediction
While there are no guarantees when it comes to natural baby gender prediction, there are a little things that can be done to increase the likelihood of having a little boy or a little girl. If you are specifically wanting a boy or girl, it certainly doesn’t hurt to try a few natural techniques. You may not get the gender you want, but it sure is fun trying and the result is the same regardless – a happy and healthy baby, and that is what really matters.
In order to understand how the timing of when you have sex can impact the gender of your child it is important to look at two different things – first, how ovulation works and second, how the differences in sperm affect this timing. Let's look at ovulation first.
Every month, there is a window of fertility that is approximately five days long. Three days prior to ovulation to one day following ovulation are the best times to conceive. Remember, the egg only has 24 hours of viability, and that sperm can live for up to five days in the reproductive tract. Each woman is different however, but this is the generally accepted "window of fertility" that occurs every month.
So, now that you've narrowed it down to five days of the month where you are fertile, it's time to figure out how to time your intercourse to choose the gender of your child. Let's take a look at the differences in sperm that carry the chromosomes that decide gender.
Click Here To Know How You Can Choose Your Baby Gender Naturally.
A sperm carrying the Y chromosome will result in a boy if it successfully fertilizes the egg. A sperm carrying the X chromosome will result in a girl. There are some main differences in these sperm that are important to understand. The Y sperm are very small, but also very quick and agile. The main downside is that they don't live very long. The X sperm are bigger and much slower, but on the flip side, they live a lot longer.
Keeping this in mind, now let's move to timing. In order to have a boy, it is vital to allow the Y sperm the time they need to reach the egg as quickly as possible. This means that you need to time intercourse on the day that you ovulate. The Y sperm won't live much longer than that 24 hour period that the egg is viable and you need to give them that chance to meet the egg before they expire.
On the other hand, if you want to have a girl, you should time intercourse to two to three days prior to ovulation. During this time, the Y sperm will have died out, leaving the slower but more durable X sperm behind. This greatly increases the chances that you will have a girl.
There are many other factors that can effect the gender of your child such as diet, and even the sexual position that you use, but timing it properly can help you naturally select your child's gender.
Check out a review on how u can plan and concieve your baby in natural way by Alicia Penington
How To Predict Baby Gender
While there are many debates over how ethical it is to choose the gender of your child before they are born, the fact remains that there are some natural methods you can use that will increase the likelihood of having a child of a specific gender. The ethics of it are up to you and while no method is 100% accurate, there are a few things that you can try that will help you increase your chances for having either a boy or a girl.
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Click Here To Know Some Tips Of Choosing Baby Gender |
The Right Diet
Y sperm require an enivornment that is alkalai in nature, while X sperm need more acid. The PH levels of your body determine how thick the cervical discharge is and whether or not the desired sperm will be able to get through successfully. In order to have a girl, you need to eat a diet that is rich in calcium and magnesium. In order to have a boy, a diet rich in potassium and sodium is required.
The Right Time
The timing of when you have intercourse can greatly affect the gender of your child. Because the Y sperm need to reach the egg as quickly as possible, it is necessary to time intercourse to the day that you ovulate to increase your chances of having a boy. They will be able to reach the egg while it and they are still viable.
But in order to have a girl, you need to give the Y sperm time to die off, leaving the more durable X sperm behind. This means that you will need to time intercourse to approximately two to three days before ovulation. This gives the X sperm more than enough time to reach the egg.
The Right Position
The position you choose for intercourse can also determine the sex of your child. Once again, we fall back to the differences between sperm. The Y sperm need to reach their destination in as little time as possible. This means that they need to be released as close to the cervix as possible, shortening the trip they must take to the egg. Positions that allow for deep penetration are ideal.
In order to have a girl, you need to make it more difficult for the Y sperm to reach their target on time. This means that positions where shallow penetration is achieved are necessary. The sperm will be deposited further away from the cervix, giving the X sperm the chance they need to reach the egg, and allowing the Y sperm to die off.
Click here to take a glance on How To Choose Your Baby Gender Review by Alicia Penington
Jumat, 08 Juni 2012
Best Way To Get Pregnant
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Many couples commence to lose that sensuous and loving touch when they start to prepare themselves and every lovemaking session for pregnancy. Lovemaking is all-devouring in its entirety, the necessary love and intimacy disappears, and the art of conception turns to a science with wide gaping holes that leave the purpose incomplete.
While all else fails, don't suffer as there are many benefits of modern science, experience, and know-how that is available for your disposal.Incalculable numbers of women out there take the advice of doctors and experienced individuals to heart, but they wholly forget about the intimacy that has gotten them fall in love with a man with whom she is ready to have a child.
Don't ever misjudge your mind and its ability to influence your body. Our brains are subconsciously imperative for initiating the ovulation process and even the healthy fertilization of a zygote. If you place stress on yourself, even inadvertently, your brain will react and your body will follow. Avoid stress at all costs, as more and more studies are emerging that are verifying that stress plays a bigger on role in so many human functions than we ever deemed possible.
Another tip that has been proven time and time again to be one of the best ways to get pregnant is to prop your hips after making love in order to assist your man's little swimmers to their great finale. Try using a pillow or two to prop your hips up in the air for about 20 minutes to help the sperm make their way further up into your cervix.
You also want to avoid douching succeeding intercourse at all costs as this has been proven to decrease pregnancy rates, and douching can also lead to vaginal infections. The beautiful thing about avoiding to douche is if you are lying on your back with your hips propped up in the air, douching should not even be a concern. Propping your hips up in the air has the possibility of solving more than just one problem, and at the same time, gives you time to just relax before having to get up and continue your daily grind.
I've dedicated my life to helping you, after going through amazing hardship to discover what works when trying to conceive. My advice on the best ways to get pregnant are from a mother who's been there and done that.Click here to Read more on my review on Alicia's program that worked for thousands of people globally.
How long does it take to get pregnant?
This is quite a famous question the that couples are asking when they start out trying to conceive a baby.
There is no simple answer and very subjective to this question because it really depends on individual circumstances like a couples's medical condition, age, and history.
With regard to couples who have intercourse regularly:
About 50% of healthy couples get pregnant after 4-5 months
70% get pregnant after 9 months
85% get pregnant after one year.
But the sperm count has to be good, the woman has to ovulate regularly, and her tubes have to be open.
I would like to suggest you to take the interactive fertility calculator test to find out your personal chances getting pregnant.
The 5 major factors affecting your chance of getting pregnant are:
1.Ovulation. With irregular or no ovulation (anovulation), you cannot get pregnant.
2.Mother's age. The older you get the lower your chances getting pregnant. Old and bad quality eggs make getting pregnant more difficult. The older the woman is, the longer it takes to get pregnant.
3.Sperm count. The less sperm he has, the longer it may take to get pregnant. With an abnormal count (that is, below 20 million/cc) your chances getting pregnant are quite low.
4.Patency of your fallopian tubes. They must be open and working well for you to get pregnant.
5.Timing of sex: You must make love regularly every weeks 2-3 times and especially during the 4-5 fertile days and the day of ovulation.
If each of these five factors is OK, then your chance of becoming pregnant in each ovulatory cycle is about 25-30%. Your chances are lower or even zero when even one or more of these factors is abnormal. About 50% of couples get pregnant within four to five months of trying to conceive, about 75% of couples will conceive during the first eight months, and up to 85% of couples will conceive within the first year of TTC. The ability to conceive in any given cycle falls after age 30. Keep in mind that with irregular menstrual cycles it may take longer to conceive because it's harder to figure out when you're ovulating. If you haven't got pregnant after a year of trying (six months if you are over 35), you may want to talk with your doctor about your options.
On the other hand,you should consider eating a healthy food in order to be in best condition for couples have an optimised fertility.Daily exercise is very important for the prevention of disease, but it is also important for conception. When fat collects around the ovaries, they are less likely to perform to the best of their ability. Just because the weight of a person is not in the obese category, does not mean that fat is not collecting on the inside of the body around the organs. Exercise helps to burn fat and improve overall health which is directly linked to conceiving. Men need to exercise too! Get your men to know this fact.
For those who do exercise regularly, is your diet keeping your body healthy and strong? A Harvard study revealed a link between diet choices and fertility. According to the study, women who consumed slowly digesting carbs, a healthy balance of good and bad fats and plant based proteins were more likely to conceive than their unhealthy eating counterparts. While the fast food eater is asking how long does it take to get pregnant, you could be asking how long until baby is born with a healthy diet change. A healthy diet can also improve sperm viability.
Ways to have a baby boy or girl
There are surely many ways to have a baby.Most of us are likely to plan who will be the first born or second and so on.With today technologies,choosing a girl or a boy is much easier.But how you want to concieve a baby ,it depends.Below i am discussing one of the technologies today that giving us a chance to actually choose your baby gender.
Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD)
What is it?
An in vitro fertilization (IVF) technique in which embryos are created outside the womb and then tested for genetic disorders and gender.
PGD was introduced back in 1989, it was used solely to help couples or individuals with serious genetic disorders reduce their risk of having a child who suffered from the same condition. Today PGD is still used for this reason, but is also used commonly when women are 35 or older and/or have a history of recurrent miscarriage. Only a handful of clinics offer the technique for sex selection for nonmedical reasons.This will make any partner who wants to have a baby with less of risk.
How effective it is?
Almost 100 percent effective.
How it's done?
During an IVF cycle, eggs are fertilized with sperm in a petri dish. A single cell or cells are later removed from each of the resulting 3- to 5-day-old embryos and tested for gender.
In a regular IVF cycle scientists try to determine which embryos are normal merely by looking at them under a microscope. But with PGD, the embryos are tested thoroughly for genetic abnormalities and sex. By transferring only healthy embryos to the uterus, you're less likely to miscarry or have a child with a genetic disorder. Prenatal tests such asamniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling (CVS) are still recommended if you're 35 or older because more genetic abnormalities can be detected later in pregnancy.
In a regular IVF cycle, doctors usually transfer two or more embryos to your uterus — the number depends on your age, the quality of the embryos, and your reproductive history. (If you're 40 or older, typically four or five embryos may be transferred.) But in PGD, doctors transfer no more than two because they've already weeded out embryos that are unlikely to implant or to result in a healthy pregnancy.
If you do get pregnant, PGD guarantees with almost 100 percent certainty that you'll have a baby of your desired gender.
Following a PGD cycle, remaining embryos of the selected gender are automatically frozen. These can used in another attempt, if you miscarry or decide you want more children down the road. Frozen embryo transfers aren't as successful as fresh transfers, but the procedure is less invasive and significantly cheaper.
A single round of PGD can cost nearly $20,000.
The procedure is invasive and the removal of eggs from your ovaries can be painful.
The fertility drugs you have to take can have uncomfortable side effects such as weight gain, bloating, swelling, and blurred vision.
As with any IVF pregnancy, you're more likely to have multiple births. According to the latest statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 38 percent of infants conceived as a result of IVF and related procedures were twins.
About 43% of fresh IVF cycles result in a live birth, and that figure goes down as you get older. But some doctors claim higher success rates with PGD because defective embryos are excluded.
You'll need to decide what to do with the embryos of the undesired gender: freeze, destroy, or donate for other couples or research.
IVF cycles cost an average of $12,400. PGD adds an additional $3,000 to $6,000-plus to the tab. Check with your medical insurance company — part of the expense may be covered.Yes it is that expensive.
You can check more details at your nearest hospital.
Check out how can you plan your baby gender in natural and safe way.
Most fertility clinics that provide PGD don't allow it to be used solely for sex selection. You must have a medical reason such as a family history of genetic diseases or repeat miscarriages, or be over a certain age, usually about 38, to qualify for the procedure.
That said, a few centers allow you to use PGD to choose the sex of your baby even if you don't have a medical reason to do so:
Genetics and IVF Institute, with facilities in Virginia and Maryland. (To qualify, couples must be married, have at least one child, and desire a child of the opposite gender.)
The Sher Institutes for Reproductive Medicine, with seven branches nationwide. (Prospective patients are screened on a case-by-case basis, and couples with no children are not excluded from consideration.)
Reproductive Specialty Center in Newport Beach, California (restricted to couples who have at least one child and desire a child of the opposite gender).
How to Have a Boy - 3 Easy Steps
If you would like to increase the chances of adding a baby boy to your family, there are a few things that you can do to naturally select the gender of your child. While there is no guarantee and no method is 100% foolproof, following these steps can increase the likelihood that you will have a boy.
Before we get started, it is important to understand the difference between the sperms that carry the Y chromosome, which are responsible for conceiving a boy and the sperms that carry the X chromosome, which are responsible for conceiving a girl. The Y sperm move very quickly, are quite small and don't live as long as the X sperm do.
They are capable swimmers, but they must reach the egg quickly or they die off, leaving only the X sperm behind to fertilize the egg.
Timing Intercourse
Keeping these differences in mind, when you want to have a boy, you need to time intercourse as close as you possibly can to ovulation. The Y sperm only have so long to make it to the egg and you need to give them enough of a chance to get there before the X sperm do. If you can time intercourse to the exact day that you ovulate, you are greatly increasing your chances of having a boy.
While this doesn't always work and sometimes an X sperm will get there first, by scheduling intercourse in this way, you are giving the Y sperm the chance they need to make it to the egg first.
Choose the Right Position
Sexual positions that allow for deep penetration can also increase the likelihood of having a boy. By allowing the man to orgasm as closely as possible to the cervix, the Y sperm will have less distance to go in their journey to the egg. Since they need a headstart, you are again giving them that extra edge to make it to the egg first.
The most common positions for deep penetration include woman dominant, so called doggy style, or penetration from behind as well as reverse cowgirl. In addition to the right position, it is beneficial if the woman orgasms before the man if you are trying to have a boy. This changes the PH of the fluids near the cervix, making them hospitable to the Y sperm.
The Right Diet
The foods you eat can also impact the gender of your child. If you want to have a boy, a diet rich in foods containing sodium and potassium is essential. The perfect food for this is a banana. Sweet corn, red meat and peaches are also recommended. While you don't want to overdo the sodium, small amounts can be helpful when you are trying to conceive a boy.
Remember, these methods are not foolproof, but no matter what gender your child ends up being, the important thing is that they are healthy and happy.
Trying To Conceive-What You Need To Know
The road to conception can be very smooth for some couples, while others find that it can take years before they are able to become pregnant. While there are many factors that can affect successful conception, understanding some basic things can make your journey easier. If you are trying to conceive, here are a few things to keep in mind.
1. Know Your Monthly Cycle. One of the best ways to increase your chances of becoming pregnant is to understand how your monthly cycle works. Every woman is different and in some cases, every cycle is different. Before you conceive, take a few months to chart your cycle from beginning to end. Keep track of the first day of your period and when you ovulate.
This information will help you determine when you are most fertile and when you should be scheduling intercourse. It may not be very romantic to schedule it in, but if you do want to conceive, you have to be able to take advantage of that window of opportunity when it arrives.
2. Predict Your Monthly Ovulation. In order to find that window of opportunity, you have to know when you ovulate. There is a period of five days within each cycle that you are at your most fertile. The three days preceeding ovulation and the day following ovulation. Once you know when this occurs, you can greatly increase the likelihood of fertilization.
Remember that once an egg is released from an ovary, it only has a period of 24 hours when it remains viable. It is vital to make sure that you are having intercourse as close to the date that you ovulate as possible. While you can become pregnant at any time during those five days, it is best to try to time your ovulation and intercourse as closely as possible.
3. Get Healthy Ahead of Time. In order to be at your most fertile, you need to take care of yourself. Start taking prenatal vitamins ahead of time and have yourself looked over by a doctor. If you have noticed any irregularities with your monthly cycles, talk to them about it now. If you have questions about ovulation or learning more about your body, it is important to have these questions answered ahead of time.
Get plenty of rest and practice a healthy lifestyle. Try to remove stress from your life and take good care of your body. You'll be asking it to undergo a great task over the next nine months and you owe it to yourself and your future child to be as healthy as possible.
Successful conception doesn't have to be difficult. Although it can take a healthy couple a year to conceive naturally, by paying attention to this advice, you can increase your chances of becoming pregnant in less time. Remember, if you don't conceive right away, don't get disheartened. Just keep trying and barring any fertility issues you should be able to conceive a happy and healthy baby.
Kamis, 07 Juni 2012
Can You Really Choose Your Baby's Gender?
Gender selection of children is a controversial topic, particularly in terms of genetic therapy and the ethics of picking the sex of your child. While there certainly have been advances in the field of genetics, there are actually some natural and completely ethical things that you can do that will increase the likelihood of selecting a gender for your child.
While no method is 100% accurate, if you are determined to have a boy or a girl, there are a few things that can be done to significantly increase your chances of conceiving the gender of your choice. Remember, the most important thing is to have a healthy baby, regardless of their gender. But if you do want to try to pick the gender of your child, it is possible. Here's what you need to know.
Differences in Sperm
The sperm that carry the Y chromosome are the "boy" sperms, while the ones that carry the X chromosome are the "girl" sperms. The Y sperm are faster, smaller, more agile but they do not last as long as the "girl" sperm. The X sperm are bigger and move quite slowly. In addition to their overall speed, they have different preferences in terms of the acidity of the vagina and cervix. An X sperm does better in an acidic environment while the Y sperm prefer an alkaline environment.
How These Differences Affect Conception
Now that we have established the differences between the sperm that carry different chromosomes, it is important to understand how these differences can be used for natural gender selection. Once you have this information, you can begin trying to conceive a child that will be a specific gender.
If you want to have a boy, the timing is crucial. Since these sperm do not live long, it is vital to time your intercourse as closely to ovulation as possible. This gives the Y sperm time to reach the egg before the X sperm do, increasing the chances that you will have a boy.
If you want to have a girl, you need to give the X sperm plenty of time to reach the egg. Since they live longer, this means that you want to time intercourse a few days before expected ovulation. By the time you ovulate, the Y sperm will have already died off, leaving only the X sperm behind. They will have the time needed to travel up through the cervix to reach the egg and fertilize it.
Click here on How You Can Simply---> Plan Your Baby.
Check out a review on how u can plan and concieve your baby in natural way by Alicia Penington.
Rabu, 06 Juni 2012
How to Select the Gender of Your Future Child
While there are many debates over how ethical it is to choose the gender of your child before they are born, the fact remains that there are some natural methods you can use that will increase the likelihood of having a child of a specific gender. The ethics of it are up to you and while no method is 100% accurate, there are a few things that you can try that will help you increase your chances
Jumat, 01 Juni 2012
Want to Have a Girl? Try These Techniques
Choosing the gender of your child may seem impossible, especially if you are not engaging in genetic manipulation. However, there are several techniques that can increase the likelihood of your conceiving the gender of your choice. While there is no 100% accurate way to naturally select the gender of your future child, you can increase the likelihood of having a boy or a girl by following some
Dietary Choices May Impact the Gender of Your Child
While there are many different things that can decide the gender of your future child, the dietary choices you make may have a big impact. Natural gender selection relies on a few different techniques to help increase the odds of having either a boy or a girl. While these methods are not 100% reliable, most couples find that they do end up with the gender they wanted. At the end of the day, it
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