Selasa, 03 September 2013
Documentary: The Disappearing Male
Is Your Fertility Safe? Take a Look:
*"Infertility Rates are Rising as Sperm Counts Drop"
"One couple in the film described the waiting room at their
infertility clinic as similar to an emergency room – packed with lines
extending down the hall. Infertility is more common than many think
these days. An estimated 1 in 6 American couples struggle with getting
pregnant each year1 and
Jumat, 02 Agustus 2013
The Lighter Side of Parenthood #2: How to Wrap Your Newborn
The Lighter Side of Parenthood #2:
How to Swaddle Your Newborn
"Tuck it in nice and snug like a burrito ... "
"It's a burrito, you don't want the meat to fall out ... "
"It's good but it's a little tight ..."
"Done! I win!"
Tips for Royal Baby Nannies: How to Swaddle a Newborn Baby
Rabu, 24 Juli 2013
Little Prince of Cambridge Makes His Royal Debut
23/7/2013: Watch this good coverage and commentary of the
Royal Baby's first public appearance,
both his Grandparents' visits and
Wills driving the family home:
For more #Royalbaby, Prince of Cambridge news updates
Selasa, 23 Juli 2013
Google+ (2): More Royal Baby Coverage, Baby's First Wave!
Royal wave from Mum Kate, Dad Wills and even Baby!
Obama and World leaders respond to royal baby announcement
Well wishes from the Muppets to the royal family
Birth of a new Royal
10 quick things you need to know about the royal baby
Traditional name likely for baby Prince
The best Royal Baby memes on the web
Royal Baby and Other Baby News Updates
Follow our Posts on Google+ for the latest on the Royal Baby and Other Baby News:
Muppets send well wishes to Kate and Wills on the birth of #royalBaby
How birth order affects siblings - what it means to be a first-born
10 things you need to know about the royal baby
Royal baby best memes
Best baby names
Banned baby names
The Medical Team who delievered the baby
Prince William's support
Muppets send well wishes to Kate and Wills on the birth of #royalBaby
How birth order affects siblings - what it means to be a first-born
10 things you need to know about the royal baby
Royal baby best memes
Best baby names
Banned baby names
The Medical Team who delievered the baby
Prince William's support
Minggu, 27 Januari 2013
Old Wives’ Tales VS Plan My Baby Program Fact about Your Baby’s Gender

While these tales don’t always lend themselves true in any or all cases, it’s still a fun time to see if you’re following any of the gender indicators that have been handed down through the ages.
Here are ten of the most common old wives’ tales to help you guess if your baby will be a boy or a girl.
You May Be Having A Boy If:
1. You’ve never experienced morning sickness throughout your pregnancy.
2. Your pregnancy cravings include food of the salty or sour flavors.
3. During your pregnancy, you look radiant. No drain in color and you feel wonderful all over.
4. Your pregnancy weight is all in the front. You can barely tell that you’re pregnant from behind.
5. Your baby’s heart rate is consistently under 140 beats per minute at each hearing.
You May Be Having A Girl If:
1. You are carrying your baby weight everywhere, not just in the front.
2. You and morning sickness go hand-in-hand, be it just in the beginning stages of your pregnancy or throughout your entire nine months.
3. Your pregnancy cravings have been a constant desire for sweet, sugary, and indulgent foods.
4. Your skin has seen better days. You may feel drained of color, acne may be rampant in a concentrated area of your body or wide spread everywhere.
5. Your baby’s heart rate is normally higher than 140 beats per minute at every listen.
Meanwhile you may be thinking that this is too good to be true but all I ask is 3 minutes; and this will be the most important 3 minutes of your life. I know that you are here today to learn how to accurately choose the gender of your future baby and I am here to help you make that choice. You may ask how I involved myself in preconception gender selection methods, so allow me to explain.
Created by Alicia Pennington, Plan My Baby can be best described as a step-by-step natural system to dramatically increase the chances of having the baby's gender you want.
The Plan My Baby book centers it strategies on the differences between the male and female sperm and shows you very specific methods which can be used to modify certain factors that can influence whether the male or the female sperm gets to the egg first.
Choosing Your Baby's Gender before Conception is the 30 pages of pregnancy guide that helps you to perfectly start your pregnancy and choosing baby gender with the baby gender predictor method. The steps are risk-free so you have nothing to lose to apply those methods.
The writer herself has done some research on why most parents are doing the wrong methods of baby gender predictor and the theory behind X and Y chromosome to control the sperm. In addition, the book provides you with calculation of your ovulation date to determine the gender of your baby and the timing of your intercourse, all of which affect the conceiving of a baby. Moreover, a dietary program that helps you boost up the chance in having a baby boy or baby girl.
Plan My Baby Program have stated as below:
#1 The importance of knowing your ovulation.
If your ph is Alkaline then you have the possibility in having a boy. On the other hand, if your ph is acidic, there is a possibility that you will have a girl.
#2 Adjusting your diet habit for the sake of the sperm.
There is for sure, specific diets that help to increase your chance in getting the baby boy or girl. Some foods are strictly forbidden and some are extremely suggested to get the ideal gender as you want.
#3 Particular sex positions determine the baby’s gender.
There are several positions you can choose to obtain the best result in fertilizing the egg.
Those steps are proven to be successful for many readers. The explanation uses logical
thoughts to let you stop wondering how the theory comes up. As the writer has applied
the method herself, there is no need to worry on the safety. No medical procedures or
scary injection needed here. The method is applicable regardless of your age or nationality.
However, can you trust Alicia Pennington’s claims? Is it possible to increase your chances of having the baby’s gender you want to almost 95%? And is Plan My Baby really for you?
In order to answer these questions let’s talk about some of the good and bad points of the Plan My Baby program.
Jumat, 25 Januari 2013
What You Don't Know About what exactly is the plan my baby program? May Shock You

The Plan My Baby book centers it strategies on the differences between the male and female sperm and shows you very specific methods which can be used to modify certain factors that can influence whether the male or the female sperm gets to the egg first.
To make things simpler, Alicia Pennington divided her Prince Or Princess guide into 3 main sections and every section focus on one specific step that should be taken in order to choose your baby’s gender before conception.
In a nutshell, here are the basics of each section:
Chapter 1 – All About Ovulation

Here you will find lots of information about the differences between alkaline ph level and acidic ph level and why it can influence on your baby’s gender, and you will also learn how and when to time your intercourse in order to increase your chances to choose the baby’s gender before conception.
Chapter 2 – Your Diet And Its Important Role

Here you will learn which foods you need to add to your diet plan or remove from it in order to adjust your ph level up or down, and how even small changes can affect your chances of conceiving a boy or a girl.
Chapter 3 – The Most Recommended Sexual Positions
Sexual positions play an important role when it comes to baby’s gender selection and in this part of the Prince Or Princess guide Alicia Pennington outlines exactly which positions work best for conceiving a boy and which ones work best for conceiving a girl, based on the placement of the “X” and “Y” chromosomes.

According to Alicia Pennington’s claims by following her Plan My Baby 3 step program 94% of couples had the boy or girl they wanted and she promises that this system will help you too, no matter how old you are or how many times you’ve tried before.
However, can you trust Alicia Pennington’s claims? Is it possible to increase your chances of having the baby’s gender you want to almost 95%? And is Plan My Baby really for you?
In order to answer these questions let’s talk about some of the good and bad points of the Plan My Baby program.
Senin, 14 Januari 2013
How to Get Pregnant Naturally
How to Get Pregnant Naturally
Infertility may be broadly defined as the "INABILITY to get PREGNANT after trying for at least ONE YEAR without using any BIRTH CONTROL".
In Western countries, infertility affects an estimated 15% of the population. While a part of them are trying to conceive using alternative methods like IVF, others prefer to
Infertility treatments
What Kind of Infertility Treatments?
Infertility is a global public health concern and affects approximately 10% - 15% of couples worldwide. This condition may stem from numerous anomalies in the body, ranging from infections and cysts in the ovaries and reproductive tract, to the disproportionate secretion of hormones by the glands. Infertility treatments
The Real Cause of Infertility
What Are The Real Causes of Infertility?
Infertility can be defined in two ways: as inability to conceive after a year of regular sexual intercourse without contraception, or as repeated ectopic pregnancies, miscarriages or perinatal loss. Male and female specific factors account for about 30% of the infertility causes (individually);the combination of male
Signs of Infertility
What Exactly is INFERTILITY?
The problems with either conceiving a child, or with carrying out the pregnancy to its eventual fruitful end, fall under the definition of infertility. Infertility is the incapability of an individual to become pregnant, in case of females, or the incapability to induce pregnancy, in case of the males. The inability of an individual to carry out a pregnancy to its
The problems with either conceiving a child, or with carrying out the pregnancy to its eventual fruitful end, fall under the definition of infertility. Infertility is the incapability of an individual to become pregnant, in case of females, or the incapability to induce pregnancy, in case of the males. The inability of an individual to carry out a pregnancy to its
Jumat, 04 Januari 2013
A Review Of The Female Orgasm and Its Role In Gender Selection

Understanding the biology behind sex determination is very helpful. Every sperm will have either the X or Y chromosome that it contributes. Each sperm contains either the Y chromosome or the X chromosome. If the y-bearing sperm fertilizes the egg, the baby will be a boy. If a sperm carrying the X chromosome prevails, your baby will be a girl. It is important to note that the X and Y carrying sperm have unique characteristics.
The y-bearing sperm are faster swimmers, smaller, and more fragile. They do not live as long and thrive in alkalai environments. X-carrying sperm are known for being bigger, do not move as fast as the Y-chromosome sperm, but are longer lasting.
They tend to thrive in acidic environments that are not as conducive for the y-bearing sperm, and they also live longer than the y-bearing sperm. Once you have this knowledge, you will be able to boost your chances of conceiving a baby boy or baby girl of your dreams.
If You Want to Have a Boy…
A female orgasm gives an advantage to the sperm bearing the Y chromosome because it alters the pH levels in the vagina. When a woman has an orgasm, the PH levels in the vagina change as a result of the secretions A woman's climax makes the PH levels in the vagina alkalai, which favors the sperm bearing the Y chromosome. Thus, if you want to have a baby boy, the woman should have the orgasm first.
How to Have a Baby Girl…
If it is a girl you hope to conceive, then the male should orgasm first. This will make certain that the vagina is acidic, favoring X-bearing sperm.
Tips to Remember
The above-mentioned ways, which includes having an orgasm for a woman, will significantly increase your chance of conceiving the baby of your choice. However, just as a reminder, there are no guarantees in life. There is nothing to lose, because you're not risking anything and in the end you'll be ultimately rewarded with a beautiful baby regardless of the gender.![]() |
"I have compiled my findings from all my years of research into a reader friendly e-book which is made easy for all to understand. "
~ Alicia Pennington ~
All About Urine Gender Test For Pregnancy
Urine Gender Test For Pregnancy
Find Out the Many Ways to predict Baby Gender is a fun experience during pregnancy Learn the secret methods to Gender predictor
There are many ways that you'll be able to determine the sex of your baby. A baby gender test is one of them. Of course, ultrasounds are the most widely used. It is important to note that pregnant women are discouraged from using ultrasounds with the sole purpose of finding out the sex of the baby. So yes, when you do an ultrasound the OBGYN overseeing the screening test will also be able to tell you the sex of your baby but the main point of ultrasonography is to ensure a healthy development of the child rather than to determine gender.
Baby gender testing using Maternal Urine
It is possible to know the sex of the unborn baby at just 9 weeks of pregnancy. Before this type of test required a tiny sample of maternal blood taken by pricking the tip of the expectant mother's finger. Nowadays, those squeamish mothers can determine the sex of their unborn baby by providing a urine sample for a DNA test. Scientists can know the sex of the unborn baby because of the fragments of fetal chromosomes that find their way into the maternal blood stream; when the blood gets cleansed in the kidneys, the baby's DNA gets washed out with the urine. A Highly advanced DNA amplification and replication technique known as polymerase chain reaction is then used to analyze the fetal DNA in the maternal urine sample and confirm the sex of the baby.
DNA analysis will confirm presence of Y chromosome fragments in the expectant mother's urine only is she is expecting a baby boy. If scientists do not detect any Y chromosomes in the urine sample provided, then it is certain the baby will be a girl.
Why do couples expecting a baby do baby gender DNA testing?
You can begin sharing the excitement and anticipation of deciding on clothes to buy and names to choose using a baby gender test. Being able to know the sex of your baby at just 9 weeks means making early preparations for the birth of the child and quashing curiosity and random guesses regarding what sex the baby might be.
The sample collection is always simple but all the more so because you will generally be provided with a kit with which to collect your samples. The kit will contain a urine specimen cup, a special solution to preserve your urine and some forms which will need to be filled out by whoever is requesting the test.
The test with urine is highly accurate. The test provides you with a result that is 99% certain. This is not in any way to say that using a blood sample does not provide you with accurate results. The level of accuracy for a baby gender test using maternal blood is a bit lower- around 95% in fact. However, the inconvenience of finger pricking does stand out.
The ultimate edition on Prince or Princess is sold at $47. Including the secrets to predict the baby gender, healthy pregnancy guide, the secrets of breastfeeding, facts on how to increase fertility, calculation on your ovulating date, intercourse timing, and all the methods to ensure you get your goals in having the ideal family.
Hurry up !! Download Now..
Find Out the Many Ways to predict Baby Gender is a fun experience during pregnancy Learn the secret methods to Gender predictor
There are many ways that you'll be able to determine the sex of your baby. A baby gender test is one of them. Of course, ultrasounds are the most widely used. It is important to note that pregnant women are discouraged from using ultrasounds with the sole purpose of finding out the sex of the baby. So yes, when you do an ultrasound the OBGYN overseeing the screening test will also be able to tell you the sex of your baby but the main point of ultrasonography is to ensure a healthy development of the child rather than to determine gender.
Baby gender testing using Maternal Urine
It is possible to know the sex of the unborn baby at just 9 weeks of pregnancy. Before this type of test required a tiny sample of maternal blood taken by pricking the tip of the expectant mother's finger. Nowadays, those squeamish mothers can determine the sex of their unborn baby by providing a urine sample for a DNA test. Scientists can know the sex of the unborn baby because of the fragments of fetal chromosomes that find their way into the maternal blood stream; when the blood gets cleansed in the kidneys, the baby's DNA gets washed out with the urine. A Highly advanced DNA amplification and replication technique known as polymerase chain reaction is then used to analyze the fetal DNA in the maternal urine sample and confirm the sex of the baby.
DNA analysis will confirm presence of Y chromosome fragments in the expectant mother's urine only is she is expecting a baby boy. If scientists do not detect any Y chromosomes in the urine sample provided, then it is certain the baby will be a girl.
Why do couples expecting a baby do baby gender DNA testing?
You can begin sharing the excitement and anticipation of deciding on clothes to buy and names to choose using a baby gender test. Being able to know the sex of your baby at just 9 weeks means making early preparations for the birth of the child and quashing curiosity and random guesses regarding what sex the baby might be.
The sample collection is always simple but all the more so because you will generally be provided with a kit with which to collect your samples. The kit will contain a urine specimen cup, a special solution to preserve your urine and some forms which will need to be filled out by whoever is requesting the test.
The test with urine is highly accurate. The test provides you with a result that is 99% certain. This is not in any way to say that using a blood sample does not provide you with accurate results. The level of accuracy for a baby gender test using maternal blood is a bit lower- around 95% in fact. However, the inconvenience of finger pricking does stand out.
Now you too can live your dream to have a baby boy or baby girl with the accurate and safe method from Alicia Pennington. This is your ultimate chance to have your dream ideal family.
The ultimate edition on Prince or Princess is sold at $47. Including the secrets to predict the baby gender, healthy pregnancy guide, the secrets of breastfeeding, facts on how to increase fertility, calculation on your ovulating date, intercourse timing, and all the methods to ensure you get your goals in having the ideal family.
Hurry up !! Download Now..
What You Need To Know About Prince & Princess eBook And Why
Now you too can live your dream to have a baby boy or baby girl with the accurate and safe method from Alicia Pennington. This is your ultimate chance to have your dream ideal family.
The ultimate edition on Prince or Princess is sold at $47. Including the secrets to predict the baby gender, healthy pregnancy guide, the secrets of breastfeeding, facts on how to increase fertility, calculation on your ovulating date, intercourse timing, and all the methods to ensure you get your goals in having the ideal family.
For more information regarding this ebook [Click Here]
The Insider Secrets of Chinese Baby Predictors Test Discovered
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